Working from home: Research, Guidance & Advice

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Working from home. In a short time we have adapted our way of working to a homely setting. Sometimes we use creative solutions to realize an ergonomic home workplace such as the use of kitchen tables, cabinets, or perhaps ironing boards. These conditions can be a burden on our back, shoulders and mental condition. In addition, employees who work at home often tend to move less and take breaks because, for example, the walk to the coffee machine or a walk during or lunch is easily skipped. Employees also often have to deal with extra stressors because there is no proper separation between work and private life

In 2019, employers cite work pressure, physical strain (lifting, pushing and / or pulling) and computer work as the most important occupational risks.

Staying healthy is therefore an important dimension of sustainable employability. Especially in the current circumstances.

What can we do for employees who work from home?

  • We provide webinars focused on vitality and ergonomic home working.
  • We can offer (remote) coaching, advice and guidance to employees with physical / mental complaints.
  • With workplace surveys for the home workplace, we ensure that employees also have a healthy workplace at home
  • We provide advice and guidance when purchasing ergonomic aids.


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